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Chaos and Resilience 

"The transformation to help Haiti escape the cycle of disaster, corruption, and violence requires the creation of a template for a new and more effective human rights-focused strategy which should be conducted through a bottom-up social movement, supported by local and international challenges to the status quo."

- Out of the $9 billion internationally pledged, only 1 cent of every dollar has reached the Haitian government


- Only 0.6% of money spent was given to Haitian charities, while 40% went to foreign institutions and businesses


- Of the 1 million displaced, 350,000 are still living in makeshift tents


- Haiti has the highest density of NGOs per capita but only 6% of the mutual aid for reconstruction has gone through Haitian Institutions who don't usually consider cultural, historical, and spatial dynamics that make up these communities


- Evidence traces the cholera epidemic in Haiti to a United Nations camp which hosted the Nepalese blue-helmets who neglectfully polluted water sources with feces. The United Nations must accept responsibility because they ought to set a strong moral example in the world in order to hold credibility

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